

I was born breech. I was told growing up I would struggle a lot. School was not always easy, but I learned to enjoy learning new things. And I had a family who believed in me and encouraged me to  shoot for the stars! And I did!!!!   Now I’m becoming a leader in Max International, the Glutathione Company. And I’m also becoming a professional writer. Learning has become a way of life! As a result,  learning has become easier. Now: peoples opinions don’t impact me the way it used to.

What has changed? I have become better at choosing my leaders. I have taken control over my thoughts. I have learned to focus on what is important. I’ve learned that most of what my mind thinks is WRONG. Yes, wrong! You can change your mind. That is why the bible says we have to renew our minds! God has put some amazing people in my life as leaders. The top 5 are:

  • Dr. Reggie Cochran, my closest friend and adopted big brother. He is the project coordinator for Chuck and Gena Norris. And a world champion in many areas, including Martial Arts.
  • Chris Lianos, an amazing friend and great leader! As well as an amazing writer.
  • Dean Matheson, another amazing friend and leader
  • Barb Wilbur, a wonderful friend who recently earned her black belt in martial arts. She is really good at telling me what I need to know or do.
  • The fifth person is someone who doesn’t realize I consider her as a leader. Sara Fogan is an amazing friend. We don’t talk as often as I want. But, she is an amazing friend and leader.

Being a leader and having a positive mindset is directly linked. If you want your life to change, take your thoughts captive! If they are negative, begin to force positive thoughts! And I mean this literally! You may have to force it for a while! But here’s the good thing, the more you force it, the easier it will become.

I’ve listed my top 5 leaders, but I also have several friends who are also great leaders. For me, to be a leader isn’t always obvious. Just because someone is connected to you directly, such as your boss or your sponsor or upline in a network marketing company, that does not automatically make them your leader. A true leader will want to invest in you even if they don’t make money because of you. And a leader will also help you find strategies that work for you to get the success you want. Some of my leaders are in Max, many are not.

Be careful what you think. Watch your mindset. Be careful who you choose as a leader. What you think becomes your words. And your words become your life. Are you battling anxiety? Look at your thoughts. Same applies to depression and other mental issues.

Remember what Les Brown says, “YOU HAVE GREATNESS WITHIN YOU!” So go show it to the world!


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